Disciplined and Determined: Why Veterans Are Good Hires

Posted By: Brookwoods Group on July 13, 2020

Veterans are the finest America has to offer, and bringing them into the workforce benefits our companies, our country and the people who have served our country. While the unemployment rate in the veteran community has been decreasing over time, we still have a long way to go.

Veterans face unique sets of issues in the workplace, mostly because employers don’t know how to utilize veterans’ skills. As an employer, you should understand the role that a veteran can play in your firm. From marketing and communications executives to contractual HSE workers, vets have been leveraging their military backgrounds and excelling in all kinds of positions.

Let’s discuss which skills veterans picked up in their military careers that work great in a corporate environment.

sea people service

Respect for Hierarchy

Being in the military is no joke; recruit training focuses on respecting commanding officers and following every command. The high stakes of service members’ jobs during their tours in the military demand full obedience to their superiors.

When put into corporate positions, veterans are trained to consistently show respect and follow their superiors’ directions. This makes for a cooperative and efficient team member.


As we all know, military personnel are trained with an emphasis on discipline. From waking up at a specific time to ensuring they finish all assigned tasks quickly, veterans come fully equipped with the ability to set schedules for themselves and follow them.

Being able to exercise discipline is a unique skill that takes a long time for some non-veterans to build. However, when you hire a vet, it comes with the package.

Easily Trained

Veterans are quick on their feet and ready to adapt to any situation you throw their way. Part of being in the military means they could go into a location ready to fight but end up doing humanitarian aid, such as building a temporary hospital.

As employers, we value flexibility and openness to learning in any employee. Veterans learn quickly, and they take the initiative in their own corporate education.

Ethical Work Habits with a Splash of Duty

Veterans develop a powerful sense of duty toward the work they do. Veterans have gone through challenging circumstances to serve our country and bring the same sense of loyalty to all the institutions they work for.

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This strong sense of responsibility brings a single-minded work ethic into their work attitude. When they make pitches in a marketing meeting or get to work on a business project, they make sure to put 100% of their focus and energy into the task at hand.

However, veterans aren’t always easy to locate in the job market. At Brookwoods Group, we’re a certified veteran-owned company, so we know and understand what it takes and what it means to hire and work with veterans. We ensure that the candidates we send to companies are the best people for the job. Our candidate database has many veterans who are just waiting for the right employer.

Let our top executive recruiters in Houston, Austin and San Antonio find the right-fit employees for your team. Whether the candidates we send are veterans or civilians, we can help you take the guesswork out of the hiring process. Contact us here to get started finding your next great employee.