Half-Baked Ideas

Posted By: John Sweney on April 23, 2011

To Ralph Kramden and Ed Norton, it was an art form -- they would come up with half baked ideas intended to make them rich and carefree, yet each idea was destined to fail for lack of thought or follow through. Comedy ensues.

Care to explore other half-baked ideas? Do you have half-baked ideas of your own? Check out the "Half Bakery" at www.halfbakery.com. The Halfbakery is a communal database of original, fictitious inventions, edited by its users, and maintained by a dictatorial cabal of volunteers. It was created by people who like to speculate, both as a form of satire and as a form of creative expression.

My favorite half-baked idea? Custard filled speed bumps! They are benign at slow speeds, but solidify or even burst when a car travels over them fast. Wheee!

Of course, you may want to check out some REAL half-baked ideas, at FreePatentsOnline, which tracks legitimate patents as well as some considered a bit crazy...

How about a Walt Disney patent on a device to communicate with porpoises?