Ideas for hiring

How to Throw a Curveball During the Job Interview

The interview is one of the most important processes in hiring, and a lot of hiring managers tend to stick to just resume-related questions. They may be great questions, but the sharper candidates are going to be ready for them.

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Three Heads ARE Better Than One:

Now that social media is a permanent addition to the recruiting tool belt, it’s more important than ever for the department seeking talent to work closely with HR to find and qualify candidates.

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Seven Reasons Employees Are Not Into You

Are you frustrated with employees who seem to be more into themselves than into the company? Here are seven reasons this may be so and what you can do about it...

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Results Versus Skills: What the Super Bowl Teaches Us About How to Win

The Super Bowl doesn’t care what’s on your resume or whether you were a first-round or a fifth-round draft pick. … Players and teams get to the Big Game through one thing: their results—their performance—during the regular season.

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Why Companies Hire the Wrong People

Here's why so many companies pass over superior job candidates, plus some hints on what you can do about it right now...

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From Land to Sea: Oil & Gas Jobs Could Move Offshore

Despite gloomy oil & gas news, one important sector is fueling major job growth: offshore deepwater drilling in the Gulf of Mexico...

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Five Stages of Grief Over a Bad Hire

Houston recruiting and staffing firm Brookwoods Group recounts near-death experience of hiring a bad fit; releases infographic...

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INFOGRAPHIC: How Hiring a Recruiting Firm Can Save Your Company Money

Citing "cost", companies sometimes hesitate to hire a recruiting firm to find the right people, but a bad hire can cost far more...

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Energy Industry Fuels Growth in Houston

Energy Fuels opportunity in Houston, Brookwoods Group attends the First Ever State of Energy given by Greater Houston Partnership...

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Stop the revolving door insanity

How to assure you make the right hire the first time, because "revolving doors" are not good for anyone...

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