
A Closer Look at Brookwoods Group’s Six-Step Recruiting Process

At Brookwoods Group, our recruitment process was designed to find the most qualified, skilled, and creative professionals who are also a perfect cultural fit for your company. Combining technology with the experience of our recruiting experts, we’ve been filling difficult-to-fill roles with professionals who are the perfect fit, almost ensuring that they add value to their organizations from Day One.

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What’s the Difference Between Overemployment and Moonlighting?

Ever since the pandemic made working from home normal, a lot of companies are now encountering unethical abuses of the freedom, from quiet quitting to overemployment. While we’ve covered quiet quitting in a previous blog, and it may have similar symptoms to overemployment, overemployment is when a professional works two or more full-time jobs without notifying the respective employers.

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Brookwoods Group Launches YouTube Advertising Campaign

As Houston’s leading staffing and recruiting firm for marketers, when it came time to execute on our brand awareness strategy, we added YouTube video advertising to our media mix, which also includes paid search, paid social, and SEO.

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The Gender Pay Gap: Are Professional Women Being Paid Less for the Same Job?

When we talk about the gender pay gap it’s important to put aside the political rhetoric and thoroughly examine the data that leads to a factual discussion. Worldwide, compensation for the same job or work seems to favor men, but in the United States, the federal Equal Pay Act of 1963 requires that employers pay men and women the same wages for equal work.

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The Counterattack in the Workplace: Employers Are Quietly Firing Quiet Quitters

Whether you’re an employer or an employee, we’re sure you’ve heard about quiet quitting by now. To put it simply, quiet quitting is the practice of doing the bare minimum at work (in other words, doing just enough to get by).

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How to Make Your Job Interview a Conversation

Contrary to what many believe, a job interview is meant to be a two-way exchange. Treating it as an interrogation or a chance for the candidate to deliver a monologue isn’t going to help hiring managers make a wise decision in the long run. A job interview is an opportunity for both the candidate and the company to show what they have to offer and how they can benefit each other.

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Qualities to Look for in a Content Marketing Specialist

Content Marketing involves reaching out to your customers and prospects with information that is helpful and valuable, not merely promoting your company or its offerings. The blog you are reading right now is an example of content marketing.

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How Can Quality Control Professionals Become Quality Control Leaders?

If you work in the quality control (QC) industry, you should have excellent observation, attention to detail, leadership, and organizational skills. The right soft and hard skills can help you advance your career from doing the work to managing your peers. If you’re interested in becoming a QC leader, here are three steps you can take to get you closer to your goal:

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Problem Employee? How to Decide Among Coaching, Probation, and Termination

A problem employee is a significant issue because they don’t exist in a vacuum. As weeks and months go by, their lack of performance, toxicity, and just overall bad attitude become a virus that affects both their team and the company.

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What Is Quiet Quitting and How Is It Different From the Great Resignation?

It used to be that you could add extra duties to your most loyal workers and they would just put up with it since they didn’t have many other options. But there’s a new workplace trend that’s making waves, and it might be putting your business at risk of low productivity and losing your best professionals. It’s called quiet quitting and it’s much different from the Great Resignation. If you’re not aware of it, you should be. Silent professionals don’t necessarily mean happy professionals. You could argue that team members who let you know their concerns are easier to address because they care [...]

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