Ideas for careers

1940-Era Career Advice Still Works!

Although his books may be vintage, author Dale Carnegie's books on positive thinking offer timeless advice for job seekers...

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The Millennials Have Arrived!

Like other generations, the Millennials bring to the workforce their own set of skills, experiences and perspectives -- as well as new challenges for their managers!

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Tips For Interview Success

In a job interview it is better to reveal who you REALLY are than to portray some other FAKE person, even if the fake person is more likely to get the job...

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Resume Perfection

If you are a marketing or communications professional who wants a perfect resume, then treat the resume as any other marketing or communications deliverable...

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10 Ways To Make Yourself Unfireable

Having a job is not a civil right. Everyone is vulnerable to cutbacks. Here are some career tips from the Excelle network...

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Holiday Job Hunting Advice

Brookwoods Group's John Sweney is quoted in a front page Houston Chronicle article on maintaining your job hunt over the holidays!

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Attitudinal Antidotes!

See how a positive attitude addresses many of the problems in society! Especially when combined with a commitment to take action!

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Why Didn't I Get The Job?!

People ask, "Why didn't I get the job?" A better question is, "Why did SOMEONE ELSE get the job?" Here's why!

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Stay Put and Transform Your Job!

If you are unhappy in your job and ready to quit, here's an novel idea: What would it look like for you to keep and transform the job you already have?

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Great Recruiting in a Rising Economy

A rising economy poses challenges for everyone involved in staffing and recruiting. For a great outcome, all parties must put in their best effort!

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