
6 Facts About Employee Engagement

When employees feel listened to and valued, they are inspired to go the extra mile at work. Here are 6 facts about employee engagement that every organization should consider.

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HBJ: Embrace Diversity to End Company Tribalism

By adopting diversity initiatives as part of our corporate cultures, we can begin to bend destructive tribalism into a positive force by opening our employees’ eyes and minds to the amazing value each of us brings to a common purpose.

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How to Write an Awesome Job Description That Will Drive More Candidates to Apply.

In a slow economy, competition for top talent isn’t as strong, but with unemployment at a historic low, it’s a talent-centric market. That means your job description needs to work harder than ever.

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Traits of Productive Employees You need To Look For Before Your Next Hire

Productive people are great problem-solvers who anticipate problems in advance and solve them proactively.

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5 Traits You Need In Your Next Hire

Candidates who are demonstratively interested in your company during an interview and can articulate their understanding of your core offerings have made the effort to do their homework.

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Warning Signs The Candidate Is Not A Good Fit For Your Company

49% of employers say that dressing inappropriately for an interview is one of the worst things a candidate can do.

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How Your Business Can Attract Top Talent In Your Industry

When candidates are looking for a job, they’re likely to go visit your social media pages. Even if they don’t really know much about you, they will assess your online presence and judge your office culture based on the types of posts you put up. So make sure you put up plenty of posts that represent a positive office environment.

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The X Factor: How Contract Employees and Program Management Hires Help Small Businesses

With the advent of contract and program management workers, companies gain access to specialized skills for very specific jobs. This in turn improves efficiency and brings in more perspectives to tackle a particular project.

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Playing It Safe: How an Executive Staffing Agency Can Save You Both Time and Cost

Staffing agencies usually have a database of candidates, complete with information on their skills and capabilities. Hiring more experienced candidates helps them and your team get up to speed faster since these candidates don’t normally need as much training.

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How a Staffing Agency Can Help Small Businesses

Staffing and recruiting agencies are not a luxury reserved only for bigger businesses. Small businesses need good employees -- especially since their smaller teams shoulder all the work. But with limited resources, a small business simply don't have the time and energy to do a thorough recruiting process. Here’s how small businesses can leverage a staffing agency to help them find the right people faster.

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