Ideas for careers

Layoffs - The Unseen Physical Effects

Layoffs are a proven health risk - with inactivity because you are home, or work overload because you are now doing the job of 2 - 4 people. Move your Body...

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Houston hiring plans next 6 months

Houston has strong hiring plans...

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Stability is Forecast in Marketing Positions

Hiring for marketing positions is predicted to remain stable for 2016...

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Glossophobia - 13 public speaking mistakes to avoid

13 public speaking mistakes to avoid...

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Ten Behaviors of GENUINE People

It seems that truly genuine people are becoming harder to find. Here are ten attributes that may help you evolve to your most genuine self!

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Why Your Resume Is History

According to Cavazos, more than 500 years ago da Vinci drafted the first known cover letter, which he sent to the Duke of Milan. (We wonder whether it would make it through a keyword search program today!)

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How to Build and Drive Your Personal Brand

Define who you are and how you want to be perceived. Be authentic and true to you—don’t borrow someone else’s brand. If the automobile has a four-cylinder engine, it’s not a muscle car.

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Thank-you Notes: How to Show Gratitude and Stand Out in a Crowd

Potential employers are getting texts every day. And they’re reluctantly hiring many of the senders anyway! But you’re going to be different, aren’t you? You’re going to do something unexpected that will give you an edge in landing the perfect job. Most potential employers appreciate a thank-you note, and it can make you stand out from the illiterate texting crowd.

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Death, Taxes and Change

You can’t change your boss or the company, but you can learn from your mistakes with an honest, insightful self-assessment. Changing yourself is no different from changing anything else: people like what they know more than they know what they like.

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