Misclassification of your workforce, consider Brookwoods Group as your compliance partner...
learn moreThe top talent trends for 2016 include evolution of workplace approaches to analytics, diversity and culture...
learn moreIf your company classifies any workers as "independent contractors”, now is the time to make sure you get that classification correct - or else...
learn moreWith more than 20% of the workforce ready to change jobs are you prepared?
learn moreEvery company needs to know some facts that help clarify how the ACA may affect the way your company retains “temporary” or “contract” labor resources going forward.
learn moreIt’s possible to start with a great hire – a potential superstar – and transform them into a bad hire by shoving them through a bad onboarding process. Here's how to avoid that misstep.
learn moreAccording to Cavazos, more than 500 years ago da Vinci drafted the first known cover letter, which he sent to the Duke of Milan. (We wonder whether it would make it through a keyword search program today!)
learn moreNot only can engaging a recruiter save you money in the long run (check out our “infographic” showing how), but in the short run, it’s actually often faster and easier to find your ideal candidate using a recruiter than it is conducting the search process on your own.
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