
Want to Accelerate Talent Acquisition? Here Are Some Strategies That May Work

Skills, experience, and education have always been important, but while companies look to the future, they see the value in building a culture. And that means going beyond the bullet points of a well-constructed and thoughtfully designed resume.

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The Pros and Cons of Recruiting Technology

However, even in its most advanced incarnation, recruiting technology is far from perfect and can actually add more time to the process while screening out more suitable candidates.

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How Hiring Temporary Employees Can Help Your Business Re-Launch After The Pandemic

As the world beings to normalize after the global pandemic COVID-19, businesses will be looking for ways to be more efficient and pro-active, to make up for the losses they've suffered during the crisis.

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Disciplined and Determined: Why Veterans Are Good Hires

Veterans are quick on their feet and ready to adapt to any situation you throw their way. Part of being in the military means they could go into a location ready to fight but end up doing humanitarian aid, such as building a temporary hospital.

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The Face of the Company: Why Your Company Needs a Competent Public Relations Expert

Public relations professionals are responsible for staying plugged in to the culture and creating relevant messages that authentically engage a brand’s audience.

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Worried About Unconscious Biases? Here’s Why You Need an Executive Search Firm

An external staffing agency can help you reduce unconscious bias in the hiring process by screening possible candidates based on the detailed briefs you outline. A third-party firm is neutral and can find you the best candidates for the job.

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How To Be A Leader Instead Of A Boss

When companies hire leaders instead of bosses, they foster better employee relationships, communications and productivity — all of which help the organization grow.

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Crank Up Your Marketing NOW!

In the era of COVID-19, now is the time for companies to ratchet up marketing efforts, as many of your competitors are hiding under a rock or hibernating...

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Marilyn Emmanuel Gives Resume Advice on KPRC

Brookwoods Group's Recruiting Manager Marilyn Emmanuel appeared on KPRC Channel 2 News in Houston with tips on how to polish up your resume! 

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How to Show Up for a Zoom Meeting: Home Videoconferencing Etiquette

Before you head into your Zoom meeting, prepare for it in the hours leading up to your appointment. Have the foresight to prepare beforehand and you could save yourself both aggravation and embarrassment during your call.

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